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111. How do directed and undirected travel differ? Evidence from year-…

관리자 0 121

International Oral Session, International, 27() 13:20-15:00, 라카이볼룸 


How do directed and undirected travel differ? Evidence from year-long bikeshare trip data in Seoul / Hongjae Kim(Hanyang University), Sung Hoo Kim(Hanyang University), Ui Hyeon Jeong(Hanyang University)


As the importance of environmental and first-mile issues rise, the number of bikeshare systems has increased worldwide, and the city of Seoul also has operated a docked bikeshare system since 2015. There are various spatial patterns of bikeshare trips and an interesting observation from the data is that some people come back to the origin and return their bikes at the same (or nearby) station in a single trip. Based on the spatial pattern, we can define two types of travel: directed (returning their bikes away from the origin) and undirected (returning their bikes at the same or nearby station) travel. The travel patterns for undirected travel are not well known and there are few studies. In most previous studies, the pattern of undirected travel was analyzed based on individual surveys, not actual historical data. In undirected travel, bikes are known to be a key mode of transportation (Cao et al., 2009), with bikeshare systems being particularly significant due to their generation of large volumes of trip data. This paper intends to analyze travel patterns using large scale actual trip data rather than survey-based undirected travel behavior pattern analysis. In this study, we examine and compare the two types of bikeshare trips and connect findings with “undirected travel” discussion in the travel behavior research (i.e. traveling for its own sake).


International Oral Session

댓글 0 | 조회 95


댓글 0 | 조회 109